The Optimization of City System and Scale Structure——Case on Yancheng
中文关键词: 盐城市  城镇体系优化  规模结构  沿海开发
英文关键词: Yancheng  city system optimization  scale structure  coastal development
刘成 中国海洋大学文学与新闻传播学院,山东青岛,266100 
摘要点击次数: 4237
全文下载次数: 3535
      Based on metropolis circle cities system to area development important meaning,this paper discusses the city on the city itself.In carries on the comparison with Southern Jiangsu and the Japanese cities in the foundation to the Yancheng cities system analysis.Thought this cities system existence center big city growth asthenia,the medium-sized city fault,the small urban development lag and small cities are in flood embarrassing situation.It is well known,the cities system’s developed degree and the industrial developed degree is proportional.At present the Yancheng cities system goes out the difficult position not only to need the correct urban policy,but also needs the industrial policy the support.In view of the fact that Coastal development has solved the industrial ultra light difficult position and agriculture which Yancheng faced.The author mainly proposed the pointed measure from the urban policy and the area control angle.
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