The Tragic Life Created by Times and Society: A Study of the Tragic Destiny of the Protagonist in the Red and the Black
中文关键词: 矛盾  反抗  妥协  《红与黑》  主人公  悲剧命运
英文关键词: contradiction  resistance  compromise  the Red and the Black  protagonist  tragic fate
刘枚 山西大学 外国语学院, 山西 太原 030006 
摘要点击次数: 95
全文下载次数: 62
      the Red and the Black is a representative work of the French critical realist writer Stendhal, which deals with the value of survival and ethical and moral issues. The tragedy of his character is mainly reflected in the many contradictions he faces in his life, including not only the contradictions between the times and individuals, but also the contradictions of personal character and even the contradictions of human nature. Julien attempted to resist these contradictions, but ultimately fell into a situation where he had to compromise and sink, leading to his tragic fate. Based on the historical background of the Red and the Black, this article delves into the tragic fate of Julien by analyzing the contradictory personality intertwined with resistance and compromise, the game between individuals and the times, and the game between trustworthiness and divinity in human nature.
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