In his short story The Heart of Parents Kawabata Yasunari, who has been influenced by Confucianism since his childhood, tells the story of a couple who, due to a lack of means, sends their three children away one after another and then asks for them back. Behind the simple and smooth narrative, which is free from distractions, shines the light of Confucianism′s family ethics of "husband's righteousness and woman′s obedience", the inheritance of the eldest son, filial piety to parents, loving children and benevolence. The poor couple′s way of getting along with each other is exactly the family ethics of "husband's righteousness and woman′s obedience" advocated by Confucianism; based on the concept of inheritance of the family business as the eldest son, they take back the eldest son they have already given away; because of their filial piety to their mother-in-law, they take back the second son they have given away, who looks like their mother-in-law; because of their love for the third daughter, they take back the third daughter; and because of the wealth and love of their parents, they take back the third daughter. The rich man's wife agreed to the couple′s "reversal" and reunited them as a family, which was the result of their kindness and love, but also a reflection of Confucian values of harmony and goodness. |