The Spread, Harm and Countermeasures of Historical Nihilism Ideological Trend in the Post-truth Era
中文关键词: “后真相”时代  历史虚无主义思潮  唯物史观  传统历史叙事
英文关键词: "Post-truth" era  historical nihilism ideological trend  historical materialism  traditional historical narratives
徐童 华东政法大学 马克思主义学院, 上海 201620 
摘要点击次数: 175
全文下载次数: 127
      The media communication in the "Post truth" era has the characteristics of information hybridization, narrative emotion, decentralization of public opinion, etc. It is coupled with the historical nihilism communication and affects the traditional historical narrative. The historical nihilism applies the "montage" technique to the complicated information processing and communication process. With the help of emotional narration with perceptual priority, it binds the network group emotions, thus patching up and falsifying the history, causing the destruction of the mainstream ideology, the deconstruction of cultural identity and the shaking of the Party′s executive position. In response to the spread of historical nihilism in the "post-truth" era, we should adhere to the guidance of Marxism and promote the popularization of historical materialism; Strengthen network governance and cultivate media opinion leaders; We will reform history education and enhance the public′s ability to identify.
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