An Analysis of Ways of Integrating the Red Cultural Resources and the Ideological and Political Education of College Students
中文关键词: 红色文化资源  大学生  思想政治教育  融合  路径
英文关键词: red cultural resources  college students  ideological and political education  integration  path
游国斌 宁德师范学院 马克思主义学院, 福建 宁德 352100 
摘要点击次数: 144
全文下载次数: 133
      Red cultural resources are a kind of high-quality educational resources, and it is of tremendous practical significance to integrate red cultural resources into the ideological and political education of college students in the new era. Red cultural resources show an important educational function, but it is a fact that there exist some practical difficulties. For the sake of facilitating an effective fusion of the red cultural resources and the ideological and political education at college, in accordance with the psychological characteristics of undergraduates, a series of ways are explored and employed, such as reforming and innovating the classroom teaching as the major channel for enhancing students′ integrity and morality, creating an immersive campus environment, continuing to refine the existing set of rules and regulations in combination with a full use of the advantages of the internet and new media, etc.
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