Research on the Function and Innovation Mechanism of University Social Science Federation
中文关键词: 高校社科联  功能定位  创新机制
英文关键词: University Social Science Union  function  innovation mechanism
邢千里 盐城工学院 人文社科处, 江苏 盐城 224051 
李晓荣 盐城工学院 人文社科处, 江苏 盐城 224051 
摘要点击次数: 3223
全文下载次数: 2547
      As the leaders and managers of social science associations in Colleges, the main functions of social science associations in Colleges are to strengthen the management of academic activities, cultivate excellent social science talents, provide government advisory services, and popularize social science knowledge to the public. At present, the shortcomings of the Federation of Social Sciences in Colleges lie in the following aspects: unclear responsibilities in academic management, insufficient personnel training, less active advisory services, and weak effectiveness in inspiring people's wisdom. The innovative mechanism of University Social Science Federation includes: promoting the substantialization of University Social Science Federation and strengthening academic management; creating excellent internal and external environment and cultivating excellent social science talents; actively contacting with local governments and playing the role of think tanks; actively participating in the ideological and political education of university students, maintaining the ideological security of University, and institutionalizing and standardizing the activities of serving the society and enlightening the people.
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