The Logical Way of College Students' Love of Party Education in the New Era
中文关键词: 大学生  爱党教育  中国共产党  伟大成就
英文关键词: college students  love party education  the Communist Party of China  great achievements
金正连 重庆工业职业技术学院 党委宣传部, 重庆 401120 
摘要点击次数: 3018
全文下载次数: 2546
      At present, some college students are bewitched by others and have doubts about the Communist Party of China. Is the Communist Party of China good? How to carry out party-loving education for college students college students should have a perceptual understanding of the great achievements made by the Communist Party of China in comparison, and arouse their rational thinking: the deep-seated reasons for the proud achievements of the Communist Party of China-continuous learning and panic; admit shortcomings and correct mistakes; People-centered, never favor favoritism; have the overall situation in mind and do not stick to the local interests; follow the consciousness and do not engage in the mountain wind; the mentality of rushing to the test, not greedy for pleasure; the spirit of calcium, always wants to revolution. With these understandings, college students′ love for the party has a solid foundation. Party-loving education should avoid simple preaching, focus on scientific content, and avoid stereotyped indoctrination; on form, focus on artistry and avoid isolated party-oriented education; focus on flexibility in the process and avoid single formalized preaching.
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