A Wasp, Ding Xilin's Pioneering Work for Dramatic Language
中文关键词: 丁西林  白话文运动  戏剧  语言  隐喻
英文关键词: Ding Xilin  New Culture Movement  Chinese drama  language  metaphor
赵冬旭 北京外国语大学 国际中国文化研究院, 北京 100089 
摘要点击次数: 3883
全文下载次数: 2927
      The language of Ding Xilin′s drama has been considered unique and distinct from other modern Chinese playwrights, but few critics have combined historical background like the vernacular movement and the progress of early xinju(new drama)at the time to analyze the characteristics and significance of Ding′s language in terms of vocabulary, grammar and rhetoric. This essay attempts to use the methods of close reading and empirical research to explore the linguistic features of his debut work A Wasp in respect of both style and rhetoric through a cross-cultural perspective. Ding not only created a kind of written vernacular Chinese with stylistic hybridity, but also used schemes and tropes to construct the literariness and ambiguity. The metaphor and latent allegory in the play shows that it was Ding′s pioneering work for vernacular language of drama.
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