Research on School and Locality Talent Introduction and Cultivation and Their Coupling Mechanism Under the Regional Linkage Development Strategy
中文关键词: 区域联动发展  人才引进培养  校地耦合
英文关键词: Regional Linkage development  Talent introduction and Cultivation  School and Locality Coupling
李晋 盐城工学院 人事处, 江苏 盐城 224051 
沈晓梅 盐城工学院 人事处, 江苏 盐城 224051 
摘要点击次数: 3622
全文下载次数: 2874
      Regional linkage development strategy puts forward new requirements on the cultivation concept, introduction strategy, service system and coordination mechanism of local high-level talents. At present, although local universities and local governments in China have achieved certain results in the introduction and training of high-level talents, the lack of synergy collaborative between schools and localities has resulted in a collective effect of talents that is not ideal. Therefore, try to put forward a regional joint development strategy to ensure that local universities and local governments can focus on their own functions and roles in the process of regional development, and change the concept of talents, build a policy linkage mechanism, build a win-win development platform, and improve talent sharing mechanisms. Eventually eliminate possible differences between universities and local governments in talent introduction and cultivation, and maximize the effectiveness of talent introduction and cultivation.
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