A Study on Language Landscape of Qingdao's Marine Culture in the New Era
中文关键词: 海洋文化  语言景观  语码取向  政策取向  权力关系
英文关键词: marine culture  language landscape  code orientation  policy orientation  power relationship
巩湘红 青岛理工大学 人文与外国语学院, 山东 青岛 266033 
李爱晶 青岛理工大学 人文与外国语学院, 山东 青岛 266033 
摘要点击次数: 3268
全文下载次数: 2737
      The effective dissemination of Chinese traditional marine culture in the world can promote the shaping of the image of Chinese marine culture and accelerate the construction of a powerful marine country. Qingdao, as a tourism city with a strong marine culture, plays an important role in the overall protection and utilization of Chinese traditional marine culture related heritage as well as external communication. Therefore, based on the field investigation, this paper analyzes the ecological status of the language landscape of Qingdao's marine culture and reveals the policy orientation, right relationship and cultural identity behind it. Besides, it also understands the degree of the development of Qingdao's marine culture and civilization as well as the basis for the formulation of marine tourism policies, which has practical significance and value for promoting the inheritance and development of Chinese traditional marine culture.
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