The Study on the Improvement of Government Information Disclosure Legislation in Public Emergencies in China ——Taking Yancheng's Actions against COVID-19 in Terms of Government Information Disclosure Work as an Example
中文关键词: 突发公共事件  政府信息公开  公开主体  内容程序
英文关键词: public emergencies  government information disclosure  release subject  content and procedure
徐路 武汉大学 国际法研究所, 湖北 武汉 430072 
摘要点击次数: 3361
全文下载次数: 2675
      Nowadays, public emergencies occur frequently in the world. It is of great significance to protect the public's right to know for enhancing mutual trust between the government and the people and maintaining social stability. However, the existing laws and regulations have not formed a perfect system, and even there are omissions and confusion, which makes the administrative organs easy to encounter some operational difficulties in practice. Based on the existing research and experience from abroad, focousing on Yancheng's actions against COVID-19 in terms of government information disclosure work, this paper analyzes the shortcomings of the government information disclosure legislation in public emergencies in terms of the release subject, contents and procedures in China and puts forward corresponding suggestions such as clearly classifying the right of public information disclosure, listing information that is not allowed to disclose, making clear approval process, time and form of releasing information and making performance assessment.
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