The Dilemma and Way out of the Punishment of Drug Safety Crimes in China —— Empirical Analysis Based on 15668 Judicial Judgements
中文关键词: 药品安全  犯罪  刑罚  惩治  司法裁判
英文关键词: drug safety  crime  penalty  punishment  judicial decision
姚明 铜陵学院 法学院, 安徽 铜陵 244061 
郭玮 铜陵市中级人民法院, 安徽 铜陵 244061 
吴天卉 铜陵市中级人民法院, 安徽 铜陵 244061 
摘要点击次数: 3229
全文下载次数: 2670
      Drug safety is a major livelihood and development issue. To ensure drug safety, criminal punishment can not be absent. Through the empirical investigation on the criminal punishment of drug safety in China from 2014 to 2015, it is found that, at present, due to the defects in legislation and the deviation of the concept of law application in judicial level, the criminal punishment of drug safety crimes in China has a high proportion of probation application, which makes it difficult to punish drug safety crimes "before and after punishment". It is also difficult to produce, sell inferior drugs and make false propaganda for drugs. And other prominent issues. In the future, we should strengthen the legal and social effects of the criminal punishment of drug safety crimes by repairing the defects of legislation, consolidating the foundation of criminal punishment of drug safety crimes, sharpening the teeth of criminal punishment, and strengthening the crackdown on drug safety crimes.
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