Innovative Research on the Training Strategies of Applied Talents in Colleges and Universities from the Perspective of the Combination of Production and Education
中文关键词: 产教融合  应用型人才培养  策略创新
英文关键词: integration of production and education  application-oriented talent cultivation  strategic innovation
吕播阳 南京工程学院 继续教育学院, 江苏 南京 211167 
摘要点击次数: 3227
全文下载次数: 2698
      The cultivation of applied talents in universities is separated from the industrial needs, the professional settings are not consistent with the industrial development, and the practical teaching models are not complementary to the market demand. The main cause of the above problems lies between teaching and industry. The degree of matching is not high, so it is necessary to further strengthen the relationship between the integration of production and education and the cultivation of applied talents. The concept of integration of production and education has a high correlation with the training of applied talents in universities in terms of talent supply and demand reform, improvement of teaching quality, reform of college education, and innovation of enterprises. Under this concept, the cultivation of applied talents in colleges and universities needs to further frame the integration of production and education, diversify the main body, build a diversified platform, improve the curriculum system and the construction of the teaching staff, and establish a sound rating mechanism.
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