On the Construction of College Students' Spirit of Responsibility and its Cultivation System in the New Era
中文关键词: 担当精神  新时代  大学生  培育
英文关键词: spirit of responsibility  new era  college students  cultivation
王敏 同济大学 马克思主义学院, 上海 200092 
摘要点击次数: 3308
全文下载次数: 2680
      In the new era, the cultivation of the new generation with the great responsibility of national rejuvenation highlights the extreme importance that the cultivation of the new generation must focus on at a deeper level. It is the only way to cope with the demands of the times and the historical mission to enhance the spirit of College Students' responsibility and build a team of new generation with responsibility and courage. However, the cultivation of College Students' sense of responsibility is facing the new historical orientation of cognition, the time demand of vigorously supporting the Chinese dream and coping with the new "hardship", as well as the impact of spectator mentality, unscientific imbalance psychology and cognitive bias. Therefore, the spirit of responsibility should be placed in the important position of education. Starting from several key education links, such as upgrading the content of education and optimizing the environment of education, we should create a social fashion that advocates morality, strives to be responsible, and cultivate the spirit of responsibility into a life-oriented and long-term way, so as to continuously enhance the sense and capacity of responsibility of college students.
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