Research on Public Art Design Strategy in Contemporary Campus Landscape
中文关键词: 校园景观  公共艺术设计  人文主义理论  人性化设计原则
英文关键词: campus landscape  Public art design  Humanistic theory  Humanized design principle
李璐 福建幼儿师范高等专科学校 艺术系, 福建 福州 350007 
摘要点击次数: 3178
全文下载次数: 2712
      Along with our country's education career and the continuous development of public art design concept and campus landscape, public art design of campus landscape is no longer in the traditional sense to appreciate and beautiful sculptures, murals, for the purpose of construction, etc. , but pay more attention to the use of main body experience, the sense of belonging and other senses to ascend a humanism under the background of public art design of campus landscape. In a specific environment, the needs of the subject gradually change from the appreciation of landscape and works to whether the environment can bring a pleasant and positive psychological feeling to itself. Therefore, only when it has the characteristics of humanity, tolerance, respect, culture and communication, and can reflect the psychological and humanistic care for the objects used in the environment, can it be called an excellent and reasonable public art design work.
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