Comparison and Enlightenment of Research Universities' R&D Funds between China and the United States:2008~2017
中文关键词: 研究与发展  中国研究型大学  美国研究型大学  比较分析
英文关键词: research and development  Chinese research universities  American research universities  comparative analysis
阳晖 盐城师范学院 图书馆, 江苏 盐城 224007 
摘要点击次数: 4295
全文下载次数: 3292
      R&D activities in research universities play an important role in the construction of innovative country, and R&D funds are the basic guarantee for R&D activities. Taking three well-known research universities in China and the United States as examples respectively, this paper analyses the scale, source, growth rate and expenditure structure of R&D funds, and finds that Chinese Government has increased the investment in R&D funds of research universities, but the overall investment is still insufficient; the sources of R&D funds need to be further expanded, and the expenditure structure of R&D funds needs to be further optimized. Therefore, it is suggested that the government should maintain a moderate and stable growth in R&D expenditure for research universities; strengthen the practical strategic alliance between government, industry and university in order to broaden the sources of R&D expenditure; strengthen basic research, pay attention to experimental research, and improve the efficiency of R&D expenditure.
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