The Legal Regulation of Malicious Complaint in Network Transaction
中文关键词: 电商平台  恶意投诉  不正当竞争
英文关键词: e-commerce platform  malicious complaints  unfair competition
汤慧 南京师范大学 法学院, 江苏 南京 210046 
摘要点击次数: 4460
全文下载次数: 3468
      In recent years, the malicious complaints of intellectual property rights of e-commerce platforms have shown a clear upward trend and various forms, which have seriously disrupted the normal market economic order. Through the collection of a large amount of data, it is found that the current definition of malicious complaints and the application of laws are still controversial. After consulting a large amount of literature and the results of case judgments, the concept of malicious complaints about intellectual property rights on the e-commerce platform was defined, and after comparing and analyzing the specific provisions of the six laws related to this behavior, it was concluded that the complaint behavior was correct. The slander of the goodwill of the respondent business can be included in the regulation of business slander. In addition, through the clear and effective "notification + deletion" rules, improving the complaint process of the e-commerce platform and creative adjustments to the "Anti-Unfair Competition Law", to form an effective network to combat malicious complainants.
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