Review and Improvement of Municipal Legislative Language with New Legislative Power ——An Empirical Analysis Based on 51 Local Laws and Regulations in Anhui Province
中文关键词: 设区的市  地方性法规  立法语言  安徽
英文关键词: cities with districts  local laws and regulations  legislative language  Anhui
姚明 铜陵学院法学院, 安徽 铜陵 244061 
桂群 池州市中级人民法院, 安徽 池州 247000 
摘要点击次数: 3737
全文下载次数: 3149
      After the amendment of the Legislative Law on March 15, 2015, more than 200 cities with districts in China have obtained local legislative power for the first time. However, through the empirical study of Anhui Province, it is found that these "promotions" are lack of legislative experience, professional talents and other factors. There are still some problems in the legislative language of local laws and regulations, such as lack of uniformity in the use of legislative names, lack of scientific expression of legislative basis, ambiguity in the expression of legislative language, lack of rigor in the logic of legislative rhetoric, and so on. It goes against the original intention of expanding the local legislative power and undermines the process of local legalization and the credibility of local people's congresses. For the newly-established cities with legislative power, there is an urgent need to strengthen the training of relevant personnel in legislative terminology knowledge and skills, introduce linguistic rhetoric experts into the "think tank" and use artificial intelligence technology to "escort" the legislative terminology to enhance the scientific and rigorous nature of the legislative language.
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