Research on Network Anti-corruption Based on the Perspective of Structural Function
中文关键词: 网络反腐  功能结构  官民互动机制
英文关键词: network anti-corruption  functional structure  interaction mechanism between government and people
谷颖 扬州工业职业技术学院 后勤基建处, 江苏 扬州 225000 
吕红梅 扬州大学 社会发展学院, 江苏 扬州 225000 
摘要点击次数: 3736
全文下载次数: 3111
      The "Internet Plus" thinking provides a high dimensional medium for the implementation of anti-corruption, which is in line with the people's desire for the shortcut anti-corruption with low risk, and has a profound impact on the design of anti-corruption system. The advantages and disadvantages of network anti-corruption coexist. The theory of structural functionalism tells that some factors in the social structure are positive, which may enhance citizens' sense of democracy and ability to participate in politics, strengthen the social supervision of public power, improve the efficiency of detecting and curbing corruption, realize the value guidance and promote the integrity and self-discipline; some others may lead to the alienation of network function(negative function)in anti-corruption, which mainly include the infringement of other people's privacy, evil slander, retaliation against others, the cost increase and more difficulty for government to investigate and punish corruption. Based on the above ideas, this paper puts forward some measures to exert the positive function of network anti-corruption, such as speeding up the construction of network legal system, enhancing the construction of network culture, and strengthening the protection of network anti-corruption intention.
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