Fusion Development of Stone Art and Landscape Resources of Suzhou Ancient Bridge
中文关键词: 苏州古桥  石作艺术  景观设计
英文关键词: Suzhou ancient bridge  stone art  landscape design
胡梦漪 苏州健雄职业技术学院 艺术设计系, 江苏 太仓 215411 
沈海龙 苏州健雄职业技术学院 艺术设计系, 江苏 太仓 215411 
刘继莲 苏州健雄职业技术学院 艺术设计系, 江苏 太仓 215411 
摘要点击次数: 4293
全文下载次数: 3400
      In the history of Suzhou, there are many stone bridges with different shapes, reflecting the typical cultural characteristics of the South of the Yangtze River. The artistic protection and rational development of ancient bridge stone works are of great significance to the promotion of urban taste and the inheritance of Chinese culture. The development of stone art and landscape resources of ancient bridges in Suzhou should take into account the relationship between stone art of ancient bridges and the surrounding human settlements and landscape resources on the premise of protecting the original charm of ancient bridges. For this reason, ancient stone bridge landscape design should pay attention to grasp the four principles of satisfying the use function, favorable cost saving, in line with the viewing habits and natural harmonious coexistence. On this basis, by improving the architectural functions around the ancient bridge, optimizing the existing plant landscape of the ancient bridge and excavating the historical and cultural heritage of the ancient bridge, the integration of ancient bridge stone art and landscape resources can be promoted.
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