On "Oddity" of Jiaopaji
中文关键词: 《蕉帕记》  信物  主题  表现手法
英文关键词: Jiaopaji  token  theme  technique of expression
凌丽 闽南师范大学 文学院, 福建 漳州 363000 
摘要点击次数: 4352
全文下载次数: 3336
      Jiaopaji, written by Shan Ben, was a love legend in Ming Dynasty. Although the author adopted love as the main theme, he created novelty in vulgar subjects and showed the uniqueness different from other legends. Its uniqueness can be elaborated as follows: turning the banana leaf into a handkerchief in illusion as a promise of love, which was the first point of oddity; being rich in subjects of immortal-taoism, triangle love between the fox and the human being, as well as political struggles were cleverly mixed together, constituting the ambiguity of its theme, which is the second point of oddity; using the techniques such as setting off the moon with clouds and employing a pyramid of stars to surround the moon as well as exaggerating scenes all embody the novelty and uniqueness of the technique of expression, which demonstrates the third point of oddity. Token, theme and the technique of expression complement with one another, constituting the characteristic of "oddity" of Jiaopaji.
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