The Research on Lu Longqi's Gongfu Theory ——Regarding Follow the Path of Inquiry and Three Fish Hall Essays as the Core
中文关键词: 陆陇其  清初  理学  工夫论
英文关键词: Lu Longqi  the early Qing Dynasty  Neo-Confucianism  Gongfu theroy
秦跃宇 鲁东大学 文学院, 山东 烟台 264025 
黄睿 鲁东大学 文学院, 山东 烟台 264025 
摘要点击次数: 4613
全文下载次数: 3469
      During Ming and Qing Dynasties, Lu Longqi was one of the representatives of Neo-Confucians, whose thoughts followed Zhu Xi School and opposed Yangming Idealistic by emphasizing practice. Based on the comprehension of academic and requirements of the times, he was not too concerned about metaphysical inquiry, but paid more attention to the explanation of the Gongfu theroy. He thought that the significance of investigating things was to foster ideal personality rather than to acquire an extensive knowledge. However, he denied the theory of extension of innate knowledge, and thus he insisted that investigating things and cultivation work cannot be discarded. He explored the meaning of Respect and the difference between Respect and Quietness, which shows the extremly exclusiveness and departure from Zhu Xi. Lu Longqi's Gongfu theroy dispels the metaphysical qualitie of traditional moralty and has a significant influence on the evolution of Neo-Confucianism in the early Qing Dynasty.
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