Reflections of the Origin and Development of the Country on the Based of Two Productions Theory
中文关键词: 两种生产  国家  社会主义  共产主义
英文关键词: two kinds of production  country  socialism  communism
孙婷婷 中国农业大学 马克思主义学院, 北京 100083 
摘要点击次数: 4259
全文下载次数: 3408
      In his later years, Engels expounded the law of social development and the origin of the state by writing "Origin of the Family, Private Ownership and State", and he Emphasized the important role of the production in the development of human history. In this book, Engels's systematic exposition of the theory of the two kinds of production not only help to understand the evolution and development of human history; it also can be the main line that runs through the development process of the country. From the perspective of "two kinds of production", we can find the dialectical negative relationship between the production of things and the development of human existence, and the country is the inevitable existence of the two kinds of production before the realization of the unity of opposites. Socialism is the first stage of communism. When human society begins to move towards communism, class and the resulting state will eventually die.
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