A Pilot Study of the Implementation of College English Final Oral Test on a Large Scale
中文关键词: 大学英语  校内口语测试  探索
英文关键词: College English  final oral test  exploration
吴锦玉 电子科技大学 中山学院, 广东 中山 528402 
摘要点击次数: 4432
全文下载次数: 3601
      College English final oral test is a hot topic for current College English reform, and a lot of useful theoretical and empirical research in oral test on a large scale was conducted in some domestic universities. Through the analysis of the necessity and feasibility of implementing College English final oral test on a large scale and the empirical research of the successful oral test carried out in Zhongshan College during the four consecutive years, this paper attempts to explore the construction of College English Oral Test System from the perspective of the organization of the oral test, the design of the content, the evaluation of the test and the backwash effects, and some problems and disadvantages which should be paid attention are also mentioned, which is a useful exploration on the College English final oral test and provides some reference for other universities and colleges.
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