On the Problems and Solutions of the Instituting Public Interest Litigations of Procuratorial Organs ——A Case Study of the First National Environmental Administrative Public Interest Litigation
中文关键词: 行政公益诉讼  检察机关  公共利益
英文关键词: administrative public interest litigation  procuratorial  public interest
陈凯明 福州大学 法学院, 福建 福州 350108 
摘要点击次数: 4277
全文下载次数: 3504
      The first national administrative public interest litigation case instituted by procuratorial organs and the Plan for the Pilot Project of Instituting Public Interest Litigations by the Procuratorial Organs published by the Supreme People's Procuratorate played an important role in the promoting of instituting public interest litigation of China's procuratorial organs. At the same time, the process of promoting the instituting public interest litigations of procuratorial organs is still at an initial stage, we need to interpret the legal norms for the ascertainment of the administrative public interest lawsuit qualification of procuratorial organs, to make clear the concept of public interest and improve the pretrial proceedings for the ascertainment of initiation elements of the instituting public interest litigations by the procuratorial organs, and to confirm the quoting rules of the instituting public interest litigations of procuratorial organs for the clarification of generality and specificity of the instituting public interest litigations.
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