The Subjective Scope of Res Judicata Expansion in Environmental Public Interest Litigation
中文关键词: 环境公益诉讼  判决既判力  主观范围扩张
英文关键词: environmental public interest litigation  res judicata  the expansion of res judicata
金明怡 扬州大学 法学院, 江苏 扬州 225009 
摘要点击次数: 4218
全文下载次数: 3334
      Recently, “under the dome” filmed by renowned director Chai Jing aroused great repercussions. Problems of environmental protection continues to be a hot topic in the three session of the twelve National People's Congress. Along with our country new revised “Civil Procedural Law” to join the public welfare lawsuit clause, the future to protect environment cases will be more and more through judicial. Though it is undeniable that China's current environmental public interest litigation is still in the initial stage, res judicata is an inevitable problem when discussing environmental public interest litigation. And the traditional theory about res judicata has been unable to meet the current environmental public interest litigation. Through the environmental public interest litigation and the subjective scope of res judicata expansion theory, will make it clear that what circumstances can the environmental public interest litigation judgment effectiveness of expansion, to prevent the same lawsuit. This setting can effectively prevent the occurrence of bad action, saving the judicial cost, enhance the judicial authority.
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