On Classical Literature's Inheritance from Dream of the Red Chamber
中文关键词: 文学经典  传承  第一推动力  《红楼梦》  魅力  要素
英文关键词: literature classic  inheritance  the first drive  Dream of the Red Chamber  charisma  essential factor
李开玲 盐城工学院学报编辑部,江苏盐城,224051 
摘要点击次数: 4096
全文下载次数: 3460
      Charisma of a classical literature itself is the first drive for its inheritance.Dream of the Red Chamber expressed writer’ s view on himself and the world with allegory and symbol,questioned their value,meaning,purpose,origin,course,direction as well as life’s beautifulness,ugliness and compassion,from which it reflected people’s living state and destination clearly and show his great generous mind of salvation.That is the source of everlasting charisma.Dream of Red Chamber’s experience can represent constituents of a classic’s inheritance with its suffering and unfading attraction.The classical paradigm eventually fuscous on both a question and an inheritance to life since its birth,heading from enlightenment and upgrade of value of life for transcending and refreshing as time goes by,which guides readers to understand life from compassion and treasures affection and spiritual freedom,freeing from the conventions,to seek the truth of life.
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