An Analysis of the Ambivalence Revealed in Zhang Xuecheng' s Views on Novels
中文关键词: 章学诚  小说观  矛盾心理
英文关键词: Zhang Xuecheng  views on novels  ambivalence
张富林 扬州大学文学院,江苏扬州,225002 
摘要点击次数: 4285
全文下载次数: 3562
      A study on Zhang Xuecheng’s views on novels shows a trace of ambivalence: although he recognizes the role of novels in literary creation,he despises novels;although he acknowledges the rationality of the use of fiction in novel creation,he insists that novel creation should follow the historical writing style;although he admits that the changes in novel creations are inevitable,he still mourns over the fact that novel creation is breaking away from the traditional views held by historians.This ambivalence is resulted from the conflict between the traditional views and the progressive literary views.Zhang Xuecheng proposes three ways to deal with the ambivalence: in compiling historical works and records,collation and description of novels should be ensured;in novel creation,solid should be distinguished from void;and to the readers,with the knowledge that literary creation is rich in imagination,fantasy and hyperbole in their mind,they should learn to understand beyond words.
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