Study on Zhang Wentian's Ideological Construction Theories of the Party
中文关键词: 张闻天  思想建设  理想信念  纯洁性
英文关键词: Zhang Wentian  ideological construction  ideal and faith  purity
张育诚 广西大学政治学院,广西南宁,530004 
邹再金 广西大学政治学院,广西南宁,530004 
摘要点击次数: 4208
全文下载次数: 3445
      In order to strengthen the Party building,first priority should be given to ideological construction.During more than the half century of fighting for national independence,liberation of the people as well as achieving prosperity of the nation,affluence of the people,Zhang Wentian who was an important leader of the Communist Party of China in the early period carried on thorough thinking of the problem about strengthening ideological construction of the Party and put forward some scientific ideology theories combined with the actual situation of that time.Its main contents include: learning the theory of Marxism to promote the whole Party’s ideological and political level;achieving the unification of theory and practice to accomplish the historical mission of the Party;persisting in the ideological line of seeking truth from facts to struggle against the wrong ideological tendencies.Zhang Wentian ’s ideological construction theories of the Party afford the new great project of Party building important enlightenments: persisting in strengthening ideological and theoretical arming;feasibly strengthening Ideal and Faith Education of the Party;actively carrying out works on remaining ideologically purity of the party.
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