基于东方经验的民族、国家观念——传统“中国观念”的现代阐释 |
The Concept of Nation and Country on the Basis of Experience in the East——The Modern Interpretation for Traditional "Chinese concept" |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1008-5092.2009.03.004 |
中文关键词: "中国观念" 民族国家观念 大一统 |
英文关键词: China Concept nation-state Unification of the country |
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中文摘要: |
与西方民族国家观念不同,传统"中国观念"是基于文化、历史、地理三者一体的整体国家观念.对大一统国家的认同是传统"中国观念"的核心.在大一统国家形成和发展过程中,族际间冲突与融合,形成中国传统的民族观念,大一统国家观念与中国传统民族观念共同作用,构成完整的"中国观念". |
英文摘要: |
Different from the Western concept of the nation-state,traditional "Chinese concept" is the overall country based on integrated concept of culture,history and geography.The identity of Unification of the country is the core of traditional "Chinese concept".Interethnic conflict and integration formatted the sense of national of traditional Chinese during the period the formation and development of Unification of the country.The combined effect of Unification of the country and the sense of national of traditional Chinese constituted a complete "Chinese Concept" |
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