盐阜地区的傩文化 |
On Nuo Culture in Yanfu Areas |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1008-5092.2009.01.002 |
中文关键词: 盐阜地区 傩文化 发展 研究 |
英文关键词: Yanfu areas Nuo culture develop study |
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中文摘要: |
傩文化,源于原始的宗教民俗活动--上古祭神娱神的巫觋活动的一种独特的表演形式.傩祭活动由巫师主持,内容多为迎神娱神,形式多为装扮迎神的歌舞,由此发展为盐阜地区的"香火戏"和"僮子戏",进而演变为遍布城乡的"做会"大型祭祀活动"念忏"."念忏"中"祭神诛鬼"的内容和说唱表演的形式逐步发展为具有盐阜地域特色的"香火戏",这便是今日名闻遐迩的盐阜地方戏剧"淮剧"的前身. |
英文摘要: |
Nuo culture,originated from a religious folk-custom in Yanfu areas,a unique performing form taken by sorcerers in ancient festivals to exorcise the devil causing any plague,developed into a play concerning pray for blessings,then into an activity greeting the god to drive away the plague,at last into Huai opera,a local opera well-known in Yanfu areas. |
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