Research on the Characteristics of the Source of Student Loans in Local Institutes at Less Developed Region——the Implementation of Student Loans in Four Northern Jiangsu Universities
中文关键词: 经济欠发达地区  高等学校  助学贷款  生源特点
英文关键词: less developed region  university and college  student loans  source students characteristics
孔成华 盐城工学院,社会科学部,江苏盐城,224003 
摘要点击次数: 4093
全文下载次数: 3540
      With the deepening of the college enrolment system reform,the colleges open their doors wider;therefore the high education of our country is heading towards the popularity.But how to set up a needy or poor student fund system and enforce the research on the characteristics of the source of student loans,and furthermore to study the implementation of the student loans remains to be one of the extensive concerns of the further educational reform of our country and a hot issue of the society.Now,this essay,based on the study of the implementation of student loans in four northern Jiangsu institutes,tries to play a guiding role on the research and implementation of student loans in the institutes at less developed region.
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