The Key to China's State-owned Commercial Bank Reform:Property Relations Reform
中文关键词: 国有商业银行  产权制度改革  股份制
英文关键词: state- owned commercial banks  property relations reform  shareholding system
熊鹏 南京大学,商学院,江苏,南京,210093 
摘要点击次数: 4030
全文下载次数: 3448
      In recent years, the reform of state-owned banks of our country is deepened progressively. This has strengthened ability and condition of participating in the market competition to a great extent, and operating mechanism of marketization begined to be established progressively too, but still there is greater disparity with the reform goal of state- owned commercial banks of our country. the state- owned commercial banks not only fails to get rid of the poor efficiency, but steps back the risky predicament oppositly. From the current situation,This text uses the reforming experience of the foreign commercial bank property relations for reference, and points out that the primary and key problem of the reform of Chinese state- owned commercial banks is to carry on the property relations reform, it is the task of top priority to carry on shareholding system transformation.
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