The Debate with Mr.Zheng Quan-he:Classical Style of Writing is Still Acceptable
中文关键词: 文言文写作  历史的批判  民智开发  创新  规范  时代价值
英文关键词: Classical Chinese Writing  historic criticisms  the development of people’s intelligence  renovation  rules  value of the age
仓林忠 盐城工学院,人文学院,江苏,盐城,224003 
摘要点击次数: 4837
全文下载次数: 4122
      It is not convincible of Zheng Quan-he’s view that"Classical Chinese is not acceptable in writing." It is true that the classical style of writing had been monopolized by the exploiting class and was repudiated by the progressive thinkers in the early 20th Century, but it cannot be the barrier for the development of people’s intelligence any more for the fact that today our people’s cultural knowledge has been raised to a new level. In this case, throngh it, our people can savour the national history and culture, carry out the interchange and communication, mould the temperament. Renovation can also be performed in classical Chinese writing withour violating its rules. Classical Chinese can still take on the heavy task of the development of the national culture and literature. Hence, it should regain its position in the field of Chinese culture and literaturd.
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